Ever since I've connected with my mentor (Stefan) I've worked on
LabPlot. Even before the community bonding period I have implemented LaTeX exporting support for spreadsheets and matrices. You can export now your datas in LaTeX tables, this is the export's dialog:
LaTeX export options |
And then you can create some nice looking pdf's, like:
Exported LaTeX file converted to a PDF |
In the community bonding period I did some modifications on it and just a few days after my project got accepted I started working on my project as my mentor suggested, because I was already familiar with the code and I had everything set up. My project's main goal is to enable importing of FITS images and tables in LabPlot.
In extra I had some ideas:
- have a widget for editing (or just listing) the content of a FITS primary header or extension's header unit.
- hopefully, if there will be time, export to FITS
I've done some of them already, but of course everything is changing yet.
The header edit dialog can be accessed through the Tool -> Edit FITS file header menu. This is how it looks like now:
FITS header preview |
Currently you can open files, and for every file a nice tree is created, showing separately the Image and Table (ASCII table, binary table) extensions. In the table you can see the keywords of the currently selected header. I know the layout needs some improvements, soon that will be fixed too. It will be possible here to modify the entries, add new ones, or remove some. I've added some standard keywords from the
FITS standard to be accessible from the "Key" KTextEdit. Adding a new keyword:
Dialog for adding a new keyword |
After clicking on "Add keyword" you can see the newly added keyword:
Keyword added to the header's preview table |
Currently the modifications appear only in the dialog, soon implementing the saving of the changes to the files.
Other thing I have achieved is that it's possible to import already FITS images. As you can see I use the same tree as in the header edit dialog. This is how the import dialog for FITS files looks now:
FITS import dialog - Image preview |
The preview works nicely for FITS tables too:
FITS import dialog - Table preview |
And then you can import some cool images from FITS files, like:
Imported FITS image |
I compare my results with the results of FITS Liberator 3, as you can see, they are pretty the same.
The importing of FITS tables will work soon nicely too, but I think these are already some big steps for the project.
Have fun other GSoC participants!